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Evidence Based Equitation: In Practice

Not dogma.

Not opinion.

Not laboratory research.

Just evidence-based equitation.

What is Evidence-Based Equitation (EBE)?

Similar to Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) which became a movement in the early 1990's to understand the use of published evidence, EBM recognises limitations of applying evidence alone, instead combines critical appraisal of the evidence + patient's values and preferences through shared decision making.

EBM has contributed to clinical medicine by placing the practice of medicine on a solid scientific basis.

So in January 2018 I decided I would host an event to bring Equitation Science Practitioners together with An Exclusive Day with Dr Andrew McLean, for delegates to hear the latest in Evidence-Based Equitation (EBE) in the UK.

On 29th September at Reaseheath College, Dr McLean updated over 60 equitation science practitioners on the latest in evidence based equitation practices - 2018 theme was...

Transitions & Biomechanics.

Dr McLean spent 2 hours presenting biomechanics, unilateral

y, ambidextrous training by discussing the latest in the research in the field of equine laterality.

After a healthy brain fuelled lunch (tasty soup and wraps - thank you Reaseheath College!) we got to enjoy a whole afternoon of masterclasses:

  1. The young horse

  2. The re-trainer

  3. Jumping

The theme: laterality meant delegates got to see and understand as riders, coaches and judges the impact of sidedness on training and performance. From straight lines and circles to piaffe and half-pass - your horses laterality effects all movements performance.

The delegates investigated the foundations of Equitation Science (phase 1) as they learnt the value of using a metronome app whilst riding and coaching to objectively assess transitions - up and down gaits as well as within the gaits - faster/longer/slower/shorter, leading to Phase 2: Contact & Connection or 'throughness'.

Dr McLean then demonstrated different techniques to achieve Phase 2 in Equitation Science International training. Rider Grace Shalyer and her home produced event horse Brucey Bonus transitioned seamlessly from flat to jump training as they demonstrated the updates for horses who stall or rush fences.

Well done and thank you to all the horses and riders, Reaseheath College, with special thanks to Sarah Houghton for turning my vision into reality, to the 60 practitioners who battled the M6 traffic after a serious accident and still make it on time, and of course a huge thank you to Dr Andrew McLean for making time out of his busy European September schedule to fly late Friday night out of France and into Manchester (minus his luggage!) - to then return back to Australia the next day.

I always value and enjoy our short but quality time spent together.

You Andrew, are the change our horses need

Thank you for everything you do for us and our horses

For more information about the day join

Espresso with Equicoach now

For 2019 Evidence-Based Equitation (EBE) dates join

Coffee with Horse Lovers Facebook group now

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